Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tonight's homework is to draw two of each
1. acute angles 6. scalene triangle
2. obtuse angles 7. isoscelese triangle
3. parrallel lines 8. equilateral triangle
4. perpendiculat lines 9. right triangle
5. intersecting lines 10. diagonals

Today's classes;
15 students were missing homework in one class and 16 in the other... let's do better tomorrow!

A concern of mine, when the children come into class they are not reading the board for instructions, even after I remind them. This is where they will find important information they need to know. Also, I am finding that students are not bringing a math journal and an assignment journal with them to class. These two items will make their lives so much more organized. The assignment journal is where they will write what there assignments are whereas the math journal is where they will do all their class work, notes, and homework.

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