Tuesday, September 13, 2011

School supplies need to be sent in

·Expo & Vis A Vis Markers
·Loose leaf paper
·Box of #2 pencils
·2X2 post it notes
·Index cards
·2 boxes of tissue
·2 rolls of paper towels
·Clorox/Lysol wipes
·Hand soap & sanitizer

composition book (for math), 2 pocket folder, pencil, pencil sharpener, glue, scissors, markers, crayons/colored pencils need to be brought to class everyday

You do not need to buy you child a calculator. The school will supply one as needed.

Mrs. Allen's wish list include items such as;
·Electric pencil sharpener
·Reams of copy paper (white and colored)
·Construction paper
·Water based colored markers, blue, black, red pens
·Old magazines


·Failure to complete homework will result in a zero. Late assignments will be accepted for half credit.
·If your child is absent from school he/she is responsible to ask what the work was, to turn it in for a grade. One day is given for each day out to make up work.

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