Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sorry I was out for a few days, due to a death in the family.
The homework is from the test book. Pg 211 # 4, 5 all.

The text books need to be covered and stay that way all year. I will be checking! These books are brand new. The students also were given a work book. They are allowed to write in these.

Monday, September 19, 2011

complete 2 frequency table questions

see journal or hand out for chart
Step A
How many students scored more than 109 points?
Step B
The students forgot to include two of their classmates‘ scores of 128 and 109. Explain how this change would affect the answer you found in Step A. Use what you know about frequency tables in your explanation. Use words, numbers, and/or symbols in your explanation

Javon records the high temperatures (in degrees Fahrenheit) for 21 days as shown below:71˚76˚78˚80˚84˚68˚65˚69˚74˚79˚82˚86˚87˚85˚
see notes/handout for chart
Javon made an error. Can you find the error and explain two different ways you could come to that answer? Find an advantage of each method.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Complete and study
Study Guide

There is still confusion about where to write the homework assignments.
If it is possible please supply your student with an agenda book. I believe this will eliminate a lot of confusion.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

School supplies need to be sent in

·Expo & Vis A Vis Markers
·Loose leaf paper
·Box of #2 pencils
·2X2 post it notes
·Index cards
·2 boxes of tissue
·2 rolls of paper towels
·Clorox/Lysol wipes
·Hand soap & sanitizer

composition book (for math), 2 pocket folder, pencil, pencil sharpener, glue, scissors, markers, crayons/colored pencils need to be brought to class everyday

You do not need to buy you child a calculator. The school will supply one as needed.

Mrs. Allen's wish list include items such as;
·Electric pencil sharpener
·Reams of copy paper (white and colored)
·Construction paper
·Water based colored markers, blue, black, red pens
·Old magazines


·Failure to complete homework will result in a zero. Late assignments will be accepted for half credit.
·If your child is absent from school he/she is responsible to ask what the work was, to turn it in for a grade. One day is given for each day out to make up work.

There is going to be a Unit test on Friday/Monday covering all the geometry that we have been practicing.
Please review these skills and concepts with your student;
symbols for ray, line segment, line
obtuse triangle
right triangle
intersecting line segments
acute triangle
scalene triangle
finding the missing measure in a triangle
bisecting angles
bisector (line segment)

There are papers coming home today, please take a minute to sign them to return to school
Code of conduct form
t-shirt order form Black is for 6th grade ONLY!!! (not siblings)
PTO registration form

Monday, September 12, 2011

Draw each polygon then draw all the diagonals.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

check these out for help with diagonals



Tonight's homework is to draw two of each
1. acute angles 6. scalene triangle
2. obtuse angles 7. isoscelese triangle
3. parrallel lines 8. equilateral triangle
4. perpendiculat lines 9. right triangle
5. intersecting lines 10. diagonals

Today's classes;
15 students were missing homework in one class and 16 in the other... let's do better tomorrow!

A concern of mine, when the children come into class they are not reading the board for instructions, even after I remind them. This is where they will find important information they need to know. Also, I am finding that students are not bringing a math journal and an assignment journal with them to class. These two items will make their lives so much more organized. The assignment journal is where they will write what there assignments are whereas the math journal is where they will do all their class work, notes, and homework.
interactive games for coordinate grid


Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Fingerprinting office
Thanks to all the parents that came out in all the weather last night. We had a good turn out for Back To School Night. I have made a note to send home that quickly summarizes what we spoke of last night. I will also post it here once I check it for typos. I think the thing we need to keep in back of our minds... Will I be able to chaperone NorthBay? Go ahead and try to get fingerprinted now so you are ready when the time comes. I will be talking to the PTO about scheduling a time to try to bring the fingerprinting office here.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Here is a great resouce that you may use to help your students. This is one of the resources we will be using this year.
