Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Long Term Project

The "Patent Letter" was due yesterday. All I was expecting was a signature somewhere on the assignment paper showing the parent has seen it. Please turn this in as soon as possible.

The conversions are due tomorrow. For this I would like to see the statistics (data tables) paper clipped to the loose leaf paper where you have solved for mean median and mode. Turn these into me first thing in the morning paper clipped to the assignment paper. I will check them and give them back before you go home.

Tonight's homework is in your textbook #8-20 evens only (do not do 9, 11, 13, etc.)

We will have math FAST testing tomorrow get plenty of rest tonight. Homework will be due the next regular class day. Pyramids are due the 24th, no matter what day I see you.

NOTE.... be sure to put your name on the pyramids!!!

If you had already planned a family event for Friday I will excuse you from the day and send home missing work, just ask.

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