Monday, September 19, 2011

complete 2 frequency table questions

see journal or hand out for chart
Step A
How many students scored more than 109 points?
Step B
The students forgot to include two of their classmates‘ scores of 128 and 109. Explain how this change would affect the answer you found in Step A. Use what you know about frequency tables in your explanation. Use words, numbers, and/or symbols in your explanation

Javon records the high temperatures (in degrees Fahrenheit) for 21 days as shown below:71˚76˚78˚80˚84˚68˚65˚69˚74˚79˚82˚86˚87˚85˚
see notes/handout for chart
Javon made an error. Can you find the error and explain two different ways you could come to that answer? Find an advantage of each method.

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